W22 dominant white (W22)
W22 is a version of the KIT gene that produces a partial to completely white coat pattern. W22 is thought to have originated in an USA-bred Thoroughbred mare called Not Quite White, born in 1989.
Not Quite White had at least two white foals. The most well-known is Airdrie Apache (a stallion). She also produced a filly called Spotted Lady. Most W22 horses are descended from Airdrie Apache.
No horses have been identified yet carrying two copies of W22.
Gene or region and technical reference
Gene: KIT (causative). Reference: Dürig et al. (2017)
Reported alleles
n. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal controls.
W22. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal cases.
Panels: groups of tests that are often ordered together
This test is not in any panels.

Hagia Sophia is the first representative of the W22 dominant white line in Australia. He is currently standing at Barinya Stud.