PATN1 coat pattern modifier (PATN1)
Palouse ponies, Appaloosas and other spotted and varnish roan horses with the Lp gene can have vastly different white markings to one another. In horses positive for Lp, the PATN1 gene is strongly associated with patterns showing large amounts of white.
While the PATN1 is strongly associated with large amounts of white, it is not thought to cause the markings.
Horses that are not positive for Lp can also be tested for PATN1. It does not affect their colour, but may be useful if you are hoping for a beautifully marked spotted foal.
Gene or region and technical reference
Gene: RFWD3 (marker). Reference: Holl et al. (2015)
Reported alleles
n. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal controls.
PATN1. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal cases.
Panels: groups of tests that are often ordered together
This test is in the full colour panel.
This test is in the Gypsy health & colour panel.
This test is in the Miniature health & colour panel.
This test is in the patterns panel.

The PATN1 gene is associated with more white patterning in horses that are also positive for Lp.