Gypsy health & colour
Panels are groups of tests that are often chosen together.
This panel includes tests for all of the health and colour genes known to occur in Gypsy horses. The health tests include PSSM1 and FIS. The colour tests are red/black, agouti, cream, pearl, silver, dun and d1, W20, sabino 1, tobiano, roan, grey, Lp and PATN1.
Tests in this panel
FIS | PSSM1 | agouti | red/black | grey/melanoma | Lp | PATN1 | roan marker | sabino 1 | tobiano | W20 | cream | dun/nd1 | pearl | silver
Kintara Sandstorm, a buckskin tobiano Gypsy cob stallion.
Photo: Kintara Gypsy Cobs